Creating an Archive with Jekyll and GitHub


There are a number of plugins available for Jekyll, which aid in creating archives. For example jekyll-archives. This plugins enables you to generate content at permalinks, i.e. Unfortunately, this plugin is not on the endorsed plugin list at GitHub. This means that this plugin is not usable when you publish on GitHub.

Not having the plugin does not mean that archives are out of the question, it means you need to do a bit more work to get it working. There are several workarounds. One is of those is described at In brief, you write your own plugin that runs on a local build only to collect the data you need to create an archive and write those data to a file. When GitHub builds your site, obviously the plugin does not run. That is fine, as you already have collected the necessary data. With this data and a corresponding layout file, the archives page can be created at GitHub.

Although the above works fine, there is one drawback and that is the data file. The generation will be done automatically, but the file needs to be committed by Git and pushed to GitHub. This can be done by a script of course to further automate the process. However, it still requires to be run each time the data file is updated.

My preference is to have the jekyll-archives plugin enabled for GitHub and if not possible, I’d like to have the process as automated as possible. This can almost be achieved by adding a number of archives files at the proper places and having a corresponding layout file for generating the content. This is almost the same as the just mentioned workaround, but not quite.

With this last method, there is no need to generate a data file locally and get it into the remote git repository. However, we still need a method to create the archives files. This is now done by adding them beforehand and filling those with the correct content when the site is build. One could add a new archive page each time a new one is needed. This does not sound very appealing. In fact we are not mitigating the issue we had with the getting the updated data file in the remote repository. Adding a large number of archive pages solves the issue of adding them at a regular basis. One could add archive pages for the next thirty years. If you add a bit of humor to it for archives that cannot exist yet and you have a workaround that is rather usable.


In order to get the proposed method working, we need to solve two parts of the puzzle. First is the starting point of the archive page, i.e. the file that triggers the loading of a layout page and subsequent generation of a page. Then of course is the layout page itself. For clarity the below examples contain as little styling as possible to keep them as readable as possible.

The archive generator page

Blog posts have a peramlink and this can be changed in the _config.yml file if you wish. For the discussion it is assumed that blogs are posted at: /:year/:month/:post. We only need the year part as, so any other permalink starting with '/:year/ will be fine. The goal is to get an archive page for each year, listing the post for that year. Since we know where the posts will end up after being generated, we could make use of this knowledge. We’ll add an archive file for each year we would like to have an archive for. I like to create archives for a good number of years to come. Let’s say until 2050. I think my bloggng days will be over by then. This is achieved by adding directories and placing an index.html in each of them.

mkdir 2017

cat << EOF > 2017/index.html
layout: archive-year
title: Archive - 2017

for i in $(seq 2018 2050); do mkdir $i && cat 2017/index.html | sed "s/2017/$i/" >> $i/index.html; done

git add 20[1-5][0-9]

git commit -m 'Adding archive pages 2017-2050'

git push
Figure 1: Listing of steps for generating the archive pages for years 2017–2050.

Lines 3–8 fill the index.html with the appropriate content. It is necessary to specify the layout file and optionally a title. The layout file is responsible for generating the archive content. Once the first archive page has been created, the next thirty or so need to be created as well in line 10. First the directory is created and the index.html file copied with the year substituted by sed. Finally, the newly created content is committed and pushed to the remote repository in the remaining lines.

The layout file

The real work is done in the layout file. It is responsible for collecting all the posts belonging to a particular year. Below is the Liquid code that does just that. The layout file also contains a bit of html to display the posts.

<html lang="en">
    {% include head.html %}
        {% assign posts = site.emptyArray %}

        {% assign pageYear = page.dir | split: '/' %}
        {% assign pageYear = pageYear[1] %}

        {% for post in site.posts %}
            {% assign postYear = | date: '%Y' %}
            {% if postYear == pageYear %}
                {% assign posts = posts | push: post %}
            {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}

        <h1>Posts from {{ pageYear }}</h1>
            {% for post in posts %}
                {{ | date: "%b %-d, %Y" }}
                <a href="{{ post.url | prepend: site.baseurl }}">{{ post.title }}</a>
            {% endfor %}
Figure 2: Liquide code for generating an archive page for a particular year.

The {% include head.html %} on the second line is there to create a valid <head> section. The important part is on lines 4–14. A number of variables are automatically included when the page is being generated. These variables can be used during the liquid templating execution. The page variable contains a dir, which tells us the path of the page being generated. In our case this will be /2017/ for the first directory. Lines 6 and 7 extract the year from the page.dir variable. This information is then used to gather all posts of that year in lines 9–14. We iterate over all posts and only collect those that match the given year. That is in lines 11–13.

The posts variables is used to store all the corresponding posts and is initialized at line 4. The configuration file contain the value of an empty array as there is no way to initialize an array in Liquid. Lines 16–24 are used to display the posts array in a list, thus rendering a valid html page containing the posts of 2017, which works nicely with GitHub pages. You can see the results for yourself.

Final Thoughts

You’ll end up with a considerable amount of directories at the root level. If this bothers you, you could add the directories to archive instead, or any other location you wish. You will need to change line 5 in the code example in Figure 2 to adjust to the new location.