Creating a Tag Page in Jekyll

Finding back a post

Writing a blog post is one thing, finding them back is another. These blog posts are not just about telling wonderful stories, but also a place where I put things I have learned. As you can imagine, I would like to find these pieces of information back. For that purpose I use tags. So, this means that there should be a page on which the posts are listed according to the tags it belongs to.

A bit of background

Before delving deeper into the creating of a tags page, there are number of things that need to be explained first. The blogs and all related pages are build using Jekyll. Jekyll creates static content for you. Writing blog posts is conveniently done with markdown. Behind the scenes, Jekyll makes use of a template engine called Liquid. Jekyll allows mixing of markdown and Liquid. This makes it possible to use to both extract the tag information using Liquid as creating the tags page with markdown.

Markdown on its own does not create web pages. It creates the content that is shown on those pages. In order to create, and style, the web pages, Jekyll needs to be fed with plain HTML and css. What you do is create a layout file which describes the page all but the content. This page, together with the content in markdown, creates the page that will be published. The Liquid templating can be used in both the markdown content and page description.

With the above in mind, I will explain how to create a tags page within Jekyll.

Putting it all together

I have a preference for clean URLs. Strictly speaking this is no requirement to get the tags page working. It is just my preference. I would like my tags page to have to following URL: /tags/. This I do, because Jekyll only creates static content and not dynamic. Inside the tags directory there is an index.html file. This file yields html that contains tags and posts belonging to tags. However, it does not yield a valid html document. The index.html has front matter that specifies a layout page. It is this page that defines the web page, but lacks content. It is the index.html that provides the content for the layout page.

The layout page

The page that defines the layout of the tags page is placed in the _layout/ directory. Let’s call this tags-page.html. Now let us define a minimal html page for it. That would look like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <!-- Required meta tags always come first -->
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">
        <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=edge">
        <meta charset=utf-8>
        <title>{{ page.title }}</title>
        {{ content }}
Figure 1: Example of a minimal layout page that generates a valid HTML document.

As can be seen it is void of any markup or other structure of an html page. Two things should be noticed. There are two places where Liquid is being used:

  1. At line 11, the title of the page is set by {{ page.title }};
  2. More importantly, the content is set at line 14 by {{ content }}.

That all that there is to the tags-page.html file. If you want to add styling, you can do so by adding class=... at the appropriate places, or if you want things like headers or footers, at the relevant html code.

What’s in index.html?

Most of the work is done in the index.html part. Its content is as follows:

layout: tags-page
title: Tags

{% assign dateSortedPosts = site.posts | sort: 'date' %}

    {% assign sortedTags = site.tags | sort %}
    <ul style="list-style-type: none; padding-left: 0">
        {% for tag in tags %}
            <li>{{ tag[0] }} <span>({{ tag[1] | size }})<span></li>
        {% endfor %}

    {% for tag in sortedTags %}
        <h1>{{ tag | first }}</h1>
        <ul style="list-style-type: none; padding-left: 0">
            {% for post in dateSortedPosts %}
                {% for postTag in post.tags %}
                    {% if postTag == tag[0] %}
                            <span>{{ post.title }}</span></span>
                            <span>{{ | date: '%Y-%m-%d' }}</span>
                    {% endif %}
                {% endfor %}
            {% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}
Figure 2: Liquid code for generating a tags page.

Let’s take a closer look at the contents of index.html. Like the tags-page.html layout file, it is void of almost all styling. Feel free to add your own. For explaining what is happening, I like to stick to a minimal example.

lines 1 – 4

The first lines are the front matter of Jekyll of course. Here the layout tags-page is specified and a title of the page as well.

line 6

The first things done is sorting all the posts according to their dates. This result will be used later when the post title are match with tags. This way the post titles appear in chronological order.

8 – 15

These lines iterate through all the tags defined in the posts. First the tags are retrieved and sorted alphabetically (line 9). Both the tag name and the number of occurrences are listed (line 12). An unsigned list is used, the list-style-type is set to none and the padding removed.

17 – 33

Here the tag titles are listed for each tag. To do this, we iterate over all known tags. Each tag will be put inside its own header (line 19) and all matching posts are listed beneath it (lines 20-31). An unsigned list is used to hold all the titles and post dates. To find all the posts that match the current tag, we iterate over all posts (line 21) and see if the current post holds the current tag. We iterate once again over all tags that belong to the current post and match this tag to the tag for which we are creating the post overview (line 23). If a match is found the post.title and are displayed inside a list item (lines 24 – 27).

The above example lacks clickable links from the listed tags (lines 8 – 15) to the tags section generated in the second half. The omission is because of keeping the example simple. The reader can add the necessary code to the example to achieve the desired behaviour.

There is a plugin for that!

One could use a plugin that does it all for you. Or, one could even write your one plugin to get the best possible experience. Well, the latter might not work for you. Depending where you publish your site, restrictions on execution of plugins might apply. Especially when you develop your own plugins. GitHub does not allow you to bring your own plugins for example. By using the Liquid templating you keep control close to yourself.

Final thoughts

The above shows how you can create a tags page of your own. The examples are nicely formatted for readability. However, the html output contains a lot of white space. This is due to the way Liquid works. Each time a template is executed, all white space outside the template is copied over to the resulting html page. This includes any new lines. Thus lines 21 – 23 produce three empty lines, each containing more white space. Since these lines are part of a loop, the white space and new lines are inserted for every loop. Thus the more tags and post you have, the more of these white spaces are inserted into your html document.

There is a way out of this, if you would like to clean up your html. Unfortunately it makes the code less readable. By placing each liquid template on the same line and adjacent of an html tag, the excess white space and new lines will not be copied over, resulting in a much cleaner html code.